
532 Results in category Criminal Law

While on the surface your case may seem like a common situation, it may be quite different. At the Chris Wesner Law Office, LLC, we take a strategic approach to your case based on the unique details of your situation.

Chris Wesner Law Office, LLC
22 N. Market St.

Suite C,

Troy, Ohio 45373
United States

view phone(937) 339-8001

view fax(855) 339-5440

Christina Santiemmo Trust Officer at Itasca Bank & Trust.

2250 North Druid Hills Road NE, Suite 265

Atlanta, Georgia 30329
United States

view phone(404) 634-4203

view fax(404) 634-4204

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2501 Grand Avenue

Suite D

Des Moines, Iowa 50312
United States

view phone(515) 224-9595

view fax(515) 281-1474

599 Lexington Avenue

New York City, New York 10022-6069
United States

view phone(212) 848-4432

view fax(646) 848-4432

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Christopher Davies has more than 15 years’ experience representing clients in complex civil, criminal and administrative matters, often involving crisis management, including communications and public policy strategy and outreach.

Christopher R.L. Davies
1875 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, District Of Columbia 20006
United States

view phone(202) 663-6187

view fax(202) 663-6363

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131 Prominence Court, Suite 110

Dawsonville, Georgia 30534
United States

view phone(706) 216-1010

view fax(706) 216-1037

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The Nassau County criminal defense lawyers of Collins, McDonald & Gann, P.C. represent clients in criminal defense cases such as DWI, drug offenses, felonies, misdemeanors, and traffic violations.

138 Mineola Boulevard

Mineola, New York 11501
United States

General law practice located in Plano, Kendall County, Illinois. Serving Kendall, DeKalb, Kane, LaSalle and DuPage county. Practicing in the area of Family Law, Criminal Defense.

Colosimo Law Office
11000 E. Route 34 Suite 4D

Plano, Illinois 60545
United States